Hump Day Pump Day #16

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Summer will be here before you know it so we might as well get to workin' on dem beach muscles!

It helps when you have a model— my client and good friend, Isela— who is J-J-JA-JA-JACKED to help demonstrate the movement so you can actually see each muscle 🔥firing🔥.


  • KICKBACK (1x)

    This is very easy to do incorrectly. So pay attention to the cues in the video and what I write here. Do NOT just swing your arms back. Doing that will likely roll your shoulders forward only adding to our already poor— head forward, protracted shoulders, watching screens all day— posture. So, start with not only your elbows back but also your shoulder blades pinned together, extend your arms back slow and under control and as you do that (watch the video) flick your wrists back to for that extra triceps activation. NOW, that is the end of a regular triceps kickback but with this particular movement we are continuing on into curls so as you stand up for those curls make sure you keep everything pined back, contracted, and tight. Once you’re all the way up only then can you relax and begin the next movement.

  • CURL (2x)

    Stand up tall, abs drawn in, shoulders back, chest up and out and curl. Here with this total movement we’re doing two, notice how in the video I make a point to tell you to stop at the top of the second curl, I say that because for whatever reason when I say two curls and then press almost all of my clients come all the way down finishing that second curl BUT that means in order to do your presses you have to curl again, which equals 3 curls. SO, stop at the top of the 2nd curl, then begin the last movement (Arnold presses)! When you’re done with your presses THEN you come down the same way you came up, finishing that curl. Well, in most cases, not here because you’re now going right back into your kickbacks (watch the video again to see that transition).


    Pretty simple, these are overhead DB shoulder presses with a twist (literally). So you start with the DBs at your shoulder height, palms turned in facing your chest, then press up above your head and as you do that rotate your hands so that when you get to the top of that press your palms are facing away from you! Make sure that when the weight is up above your head it is above your head, don’t press away from your body, you wanna go straight up! And do not let the weight bang together, they shouldn’t touch each other. Then rotate on the way back down. Do that 3x baby!

If you didn’t catch last week’s Fit Food Friday you missed out on my delicious and good-for-the-gut overnight oats recipe, check it out here!

Respond directly to this email if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!

Thanks again for reading!

And please never forget:

SO FAR, you’re undefeated against your bad days— keep fighting the good fight— you’re still here! And please don’t ever hesitate if you think I may ever be of any assistance.

Much love, mi gente!


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