❗️❗️BATTLE ROPES❗️❗️for the win

Hump Day Pump Day #5

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Guess what fam?

I posted my first YouTube short last night!

Go check it out here, and feel free to leave a comment, especially if you have any questions about any of the 10 movements I demonstrated!

Battle ropes are easily one of my favorite ways to smash both your muscle endurance and cardiovascular endurance.

They’re so versatile!

In the video I showed 10 different ways to absolutely thrash your arms and core along with your heart and lungs.

  1. Plank single arm rope swings

  2. Plank alternating single arm swings

  3. Plank pushup to alternating arm swings

  4. Seated trunk twist

  5. Standing rope swings

  6. Alternating reverse lunges w/ alternating arm rope swings

  7. Standing rope rotations

  8. Rope jumping jacks

  9. Rope rapid slams

  10. Rope reload slams

    The difference between 9 and 10 is subtle and hard to tell because 10 is sped up(didn't mean to do that) but if you notice in 9 I keep the ropes in front of me and there is no pausing or hesitating, while in 10 I bring the ropes down to my side after each slam, to pull the ropes back so that they’re tight, and so I can “reload” before I explode back up with them!

You'll see at the bottom of the video I recommend trying each one for 20-35 secs. For you beginners, try 3-5 of them first and again, please do not hesitate with any questions so you can do them correctly, just comment on the video.

As stated in previous Hump Day Pump Day's these will get shorter and shorter. I’ll just briefly mention and break down the movement(s) of the week so with that said:

And please never forget:

“Your body is like a piece of dynamite. You can tap it all day long with a pencil but you’ll never make it explode. You hit it once with a hammer— BANG!
Get serious, do 40 hard minutes. Not an hour and a half of nonsense.”
- Jason Statham

Much love, mi gente!


Remember to join the group so you can finish the year off strong with us and absolutely annihilate 2024. Small one time fee with HUGE benefits on your health-- mind, body, and soul. LFG! (The ABS & ASS program has already been dropped into the group!)

Keep referring yo’ people and get some cool sh*t:

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