WHAT? You thought I forgot about you?!

Nope! Never!

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I was just in Florida from Thu to now (in the air flying back as I wrap this up).

Between the 4 soccer games for my boys, the nap time and sleepy time for baby girl (sue me for enjoying laying with her rather than working), eating out with the boys’ teammates and their families, beach time, finding shark teeth at one of the world’s best beaches to do so, I just didn’t find the time to finish and get it sent out in time this morning.

Look on the bright side— it’s some great bedtime reading material.

And holy smokes do I have a good one for y’all, today!

Oh yeah baby, it's the first Monday of the last month of 2023 so let’s jump right into it.

In the right environment everyone has the opportunity to flourish.

I don’t think that’s a revelation. I’m confident that most, if not all of you would agree with that statement.

It reminds me a lot of the famous Albert Einstein quote:

Its a lot like sports.

Good luck finding a more critical role than placing the right player in the right position so not only that individual can excel but the whole team can too.

Like, could you imagine Mugsy Bogues as a center?! He would’ve never made it to the NBA, breaking and still holding the record for shortest player of all time, inspiring millions along the way.

None of that would’ve happened.

So much of life is finding that though, right?

Mugsy is an easy example. Any coach with half a brain would know NOT to place him at the center position.

What about for the rest of us though? How do we know and when will we know if we’re in the right position playing this game called life?

By happenstance, I stumbled across a relatively easy way to begin this process and I’m ready to share with you beautiful people.

You ready?

Drum roll please…

Start working on yourself.

No, I mean relentlessly. Annoyingly. Nonstop. Every. Single. Day.

Make your own personal growth your number one priority. The end all be all, the alpha and the omega. Contrary to what some may try to lead you to believe this is NOT an act of selfishness.

Rather one of pure nobility, by doing so you evolve into the most exceptional version of yourself, a transformation that is not only self-empowering but also a gift to the world.

Everyone in your life benefits from you being the best you!

Whats a shame though is many won’t realize that initially and you’ll get a lot of backlash because here’s the deal, people are insecure. You choosing you and working on you will intimidate and scare many close to you and so they’ll project those insecurities unto you, often times it’ll come out ugly and hateful.

This is what I found out.

It’ll hurt, but you gotta cut ‘em loose. You’ll wish they would just grow alongside you but you gotta let people find their way on their own, on their time. They’re NOT your people. Those that are will find their way back.

But you know what else?

You'll also inspire the hell out of a ton of people around you. So much that they'll start their own personal growth journey and it'll be a beautiful thing to witness and be a part of. THOSE ARE YOUR PEOPLE! 

The more of these people you surround yourself with the better quality of life you’ll experience. It’s fun to do dope shit with dope, like-minded, growth-seeking people.

You’ll realize, by default, the people you don't want/need in your life (many you didn't know about) will naturally weed themselves out.

And you'll also gain some fresh-new friends or become closer to current friends.

As all of this plays out you’ll soon realize whether or not you’re in the right place at the right time surrounded by the right people.

If not, you’ll start making the right decisions and taking the right steps towards that life.

And then the magic can begin. You’ll soon know who you are, who your people are, what you’re most passionate about, all of which will lead you directly to your purpose.

And purpose driven people change the world.

Let me say that again:
“Purpose driven people change the world” -Yours truly

And for those of you struggling right now. For those of you feeling alone and stuck in a dark place.

Consider this:

What happens to a seed when it's planted? What does its environment look like? 

It's pitch black, dark as hell. 



Surrounded by dirt.

Not particularly comfortable sounding, huh?

But what happens next? 

A rebirth. A transformation like no other.


Prepare yourself for the potential of some extreme growth. Remember, too, you could also just be in the wrong environment. Place a seed on concrete and it’ll never reach its full potential.

Lucky for you and I we can change our environments. So start working on yourself and watch your environment begin to transform for the better automatically.

Here are some great 1st few steps to begin your personal growth transformation:

  • Take yourself through a serious self assessment. This requires brutal honesty. What do you really want out of this life? Why do you not have it yet? What can you do— short term and long term— to begin getting closer to those desires?

  • Start doing those things. Set clear and concise goals. Live your life with intention. A great goal to have as an umbrella covering all goals is to be more discipline in your endeavors.

  • Workout. Regularly and consistently. Cannot stress this one enough.

  • Read, read and read some more!

  • Don’t hesitate to ask for help. I’m here for you and ready to help, if not me then find someone else you trust!

This life we lead ain’t easy and its over before we know it. We only get one so we might as well pour all of ourselves into becoming our greatest performing self, with the highest self-awareness and self-realization so that we can transcend into self actualized, loving, caring, devoted, disciplined people.

Holy smokes what a world that would be!

And please never forget:

The world is full of inspiring, good-hearted people. If you can't find one, BE ONE.

Much love, mi gente!


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