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Hump Day Pump Day #16
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FUN (bro science) FACT
If you’re a female that can perform 1(or more) strict unassisted pull-up or a male who can complete 5+ then pat yourself on the back, because you my friend are a rare breed.
Most people can’t do pull-ups.
Because pull-ups suck!
And guess what?
The ONLY way to get better at pull-ups is to do pull-ups!
Which is quite the conundrum and pain in the ass if you can’t do any amiright or am I right?!
Seriously, its the only movement where other exercises that target the same muscle groups don’t really help with improving that specific movement.
It doesn’t matter how many lat pull-downs you do or how many rows you do or how many different variations of either you do, you’ll see little to no progress in your pull-up count unless you’re on that pull-up bar.
This one particular movement, however, will not only help increase your chances to do pull-ups, but above all else it will improve/maintain shoulder health and help prevent future chronic pain in and around your scapula (shoulder blades).
What do I mean by that? Well, a lot of pain we experience in our traps, neck, and shoulders come from tightness in these areas due to a lack of range of motion in our scapula. If you don’t use it you lose it is so real in so many ways about so many things.
This is no different.
The combination of lack of use plus how much we’re all rounding our upper body forward to look at our phones, tablets, computers, etc is a recipe for disaster for the mobility of our upper back, shoulders, neck, etc.
Poor mobility equals an injury waiting to happen.
Scapular pull-ups help you go through full range of motion, fully releasing and lengthening plus rotating, retracting and contracting the scapula and its surrounding areas. All of which will increase your range of motion which will increase your mobility which will decrease your risk of injury and/or chronic pain!
Long story short, if you’re not doing these— start doing them!
Watch the video to see and hear how to do them correctly!
These will also help with grip strength (another area most of us neglect) as you hang there and will improve your ability to activate your lats as you teach yourself the proper way to retract, all of which will help your chances to do more pull-ups, too.
Why do I keep mentioning pull-ups?
Because its one of the best and most efficient ways to measure upper body strength.
If you can’t do any pull-ups and/or you’ve never done these make sure you do them assisted, either in an assisted pull-up machine or with a band.
Respond directly to this email if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!
Thanks again for reading!
And please never forget:
Dreams don't work UNLESS YOU DO!
Much love, mi gente!
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