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DEclutter - DEtach - DElete
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First and foremost I need to thank that bombshell wife of mine for the theme entering this week's “Monday Morning Motivation With Mike”
Earlier this week she sent me this:
Which lit me up with inspiration for today's newsletter and so here we are. Buckle up homies, because this one's gonna be a complete and total game changer.
I love this so much that I am pledging right here and now before you all that I will treat this December and every December from here on out as my Deconstruction month.
Who will join me?!
I’ve done versions of this in years past (and I’m sure you have too) but never this deliberate.
Starting today, lets break down and deconstruct our year along with ourselves so that we can wake up stronger on January 1, showing up in the new year a much lighter, more fulfilled version of ourselves.
DETOX DECEMBER is what I will call it.
Each and every day we wake up is a blessing and an opportunity for us to continue growing into our highest performing self, this DETOX DECEMBER will be a time for renewal and reflection, my friends.
It's an opportunity to look back on the past year, recognize what has served us well, and identify aspects of our life that may be holding us back.
Decluttering your physical spaces— vehicle, home, office, device, etc— will also help declutter your mind. Studies and research prove without a sliver of doubt how organizing your physical spaces will have an immediate positive impact on your mental health, clarity, and productivity. There’s also mental work that can be done to take yourself to the next level which involves identifying and letting go of negative thoughts, toxic relationships, and unproductive habits. The less physical clutter you have in your life the less clutter you’ll have in yo’ head. Read that again and then go check out this brilliant article on the topic.
Detaching, for me, is about releasing the grip of past experiences and unnecessary worries about the future. It's a practice of living more in the present and appreciating the now, rather than being bogged down by what has been or what might be. Detach from this past year’s failures, next year’s anxieties, and focus on what you can do in the now to set yourself up for continued growth and success. Actually do it though, a great way to begin this process is mindful meditation. Holler at me with any questions here, just reply to this email and I got you!
It’s important that we actively delete from our lives the people, places, and/or things that try to devalue our life or destroy our peace. This could mean stepping away from situations that drain your energy, saying no to commitments that don't align with your values, or even ending relationships that are more harmful than beneficial. It's a powerful affirmation of self-worth and an important step towards creating a life that truly reflects who you are and what you aspire to be.
“It’s important that we actively delete from our lives the people, places or things that try to devalue our life or destroy our peace.” - Yours Truly
By adopting these philosophies, we create a blueprint for profound personal revolution, setting the stage for a most epic 2024.
1️⃣Create a list with all the may ways you plan on decluttering, detaching, and deleting.
2️⃣Then use these last two weeks of December to engage in deliberate action, knocking out that list.
3️⃣For some this may mean ending a toxic relationship or quitting an unfulfilling job while for others it may mean organizing your ‘junk drawers’ or doing a serious email inbox cleansing (and everything in between).
4️⃣Either way this is about having the courage to do the necessary work so that we all walk into 2024 carrying with us only what will contribute to our highest performing self.
🗣From this day forward, December will no longer be just a month but a mindset, a call to action, so to speak.
🗣We will treat it as an opportunity to break down our life into its most fundamental components and examine them closely.
🗣Decluttering, detaching, and deleting will deconstruct and prioritize our routines, beliefs, and relationships.
🗣In doing so, we'll detox from the bullsh*t and open up space to rebuild a more meaningful, fulfilled life aligned with the values that truly matter most to us.
🗣Imagine how much better our lives will be in 10 years after doing this for the next 10 Decembers! LFG!!
Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart for reading. If you love my newsletter and I hope you do, please refer your friends, keep scrolling to see how!
And please never forget:
Every handshake, personal or professional, is a potential lifelong relationship. Don’t let that go over your head.
Much love, mi gente!
Reply and shoot me your list if you want or need some help— lets wake up stronger than ever on January 1, 2024! And if you haven’t yet, try last week’s Hump Day Pump Day workout!
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