So fill yours first!

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M o n d a y M o r n i n g M o t i v a t i o n W i t h M i k e #24

First, I’d like to apologize for ‘falling off’ a bit last week and only shooting out my Monday newsletter without Wednesday’s Hump Day Pump Day, nor Friday’s Fit Food Friday.

While I do feel bad, I had to take a break. Last week was a week and a half for me, and I found myself stressing a bit too much about getting these out and it was even interfering with my workouts.

Sorry, y’all. I love y’all and I love putting these together but not at the expense of who I am.

And leading a stress free life (HA!), well not adding unnecessary stress, and staying on top of my workouts are two of the top priorities that define me as me!

So I had to make an executive decision and take a small break last week.

But don’t you worry friends and fam, this week I have some great content in store for you!

Starting with today!


I know, I know, it’s cliche but that doesn’t mean it ain’t true! Amiright or am I right?!

That also doesn’t mean you can’t learn something so quit being such a negative Nancy and keep reading.

Using last week as the catalyst for today’s topic, here are some sure fire ways to ensure your cup is only running on ‘E’ at the end of the night as you lay down to rest, recover, and rejuvenate.

  • ☮️Start your day with clarity. Yes, I’m talking about a morning routine, again. There’s no better way to set yourself up for success with a cup that runneth over, than having a sound morning routine. Check out this newsletter titled, “Paint Your Masterpiece” where I dive deep into it! Here’s the link, yet again, to one of my all-time favorite books, The Miracle Morning by Hal Enrod, go get it now (I’m actually rereading it right now).

  • 🚫Don’t be afraid to say no. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago in my newsletter titled, “💫ASPIRE TO INSPIRE💫“ make sure that when you say yes to someone else you’re not saying no to yourself!

    Listen, it’s ok to do this on occasion but it can’t be a regular occurrence, otherwise you’ll find yourself feeling stressed, spent, unhappy, and taken advantage of!

  • 📶Know your limits! If you’re anything like me you don’t always listen to your body and it certainly doesn’t help that a good portion of society right now is under this spell of ‘‘grind, grind, grind, sleep when you die’’ mantra. Bullsh*t, listen to your body when you hear those alarm bells ringing. Those bells can come in many forms, the key is to listen to the early ones before they’re sirens, by then it may be too late.

  • 🤜🏽🤛🏽Ask for help. Stop trying to be superman or superwoman. I’ve learned the hard way but one of the strongest attributes a leader can possess is the ability to delegate, delegate, delegate. Asking for help is not a weakness, get that nonsense out of your head— its actually a strength to recognize you need some assistance and courageous to ask.

  • ☣️Cut ties with toxic people. This one right here cannot be stressed enough. And the easiest way to tell if someone is ungrateful, negative, draining AKA toxic, tell them no, set a boundary and pay close attention to their reaction. They always tell on themselves, if it’s anything other than supportive, distance yourself at minimum. Go back to this newsletter where I said, Toxic is toxic, no matter who it is. We gotta quit letting people stay in our lives who regularly try to strip us from our beautiful, true, authentic selves. Recognizing who that is and releasing them from your life takes courage and strength.”

  • 💧Actually fill your cup. Yeah, actually do it. Set time aside for A.) personal growth and development but also B.) all the things you enjoy doing for YOU! The flight attendants tell you to put on your oxygen mask FIRST for a reason, take care of you first and foremost! I read somewhere once that there’s a fine line between being caring and careless, make sure you’re not doing too much for the world but not enough for yourself!

I don't know about you but like the late great poet and philosopher, Nipsey Hussle states here, I'd rather be at peace with myself. Which is precisely why y'all only got one newsletter last week😎💪🏽.

Follow my 6 easy bullet points above and you, too, can share the same internal peace with yo'self!

Thanks again for reading!

And please never forget:

Don't sit at a table where all they do is gossip about others because the second you get up and walk away is the second you become their next topic.

Much love, mi gente!


Thank you, again, for your continued love and support!

And as always,


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