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Hump Day Pump Day #12
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Looking for stronger and/or more defined shoulders?
Well then, you my friend are in for a treat today!
Before we get started let me explain a few thangs about our shoulders:
First and foremost, it’s one of the only two ball-and-socket joints on our body. Meaning it allows for an extensive range of motion, enabling our arms to move forward, backward, side to side, and rotate. Our shoulder joint and muscles support pushing, pulling, reaching, lifting and even the coordination required to complete fine motor skills that call for precision such as writing or playing musical instruments.
I say all of that to say this, maintaining a strong and stable shoulder is critical to our overall upper body’s well being!
And this little circuit below will help you do just that. Click here to watch the demonstration and keep scrolling to read some details on each movement to ensure you’re doing it correctly!
Notice the slight elbow bend. Do NOT lock your arms out, and only raise up to about shoulder height without bouncing or swinging the weight OR you body. Control the weight.
Again, notice the slight elbow bend and that the elbow does not bend any more or any less. Imagine a brace on your elbow keeping it locked in at that same slight bend. The only joint that's hinging is the shoulder joint. Also, do NOT let the DBs touch as they come up above your head. Control the weight and keep your abs drawn in. If you notice your lower back arching too much, you need to lower the weight.
Watch yourself in the mirror and make sure that as you raise the weight up (and back), your hands/fists are directly in front of your elbows as you look forward into the mirror. This is a good indication that you’re keeping your arms bent at that 90°. No need to come up above your shoulder height, and in fact, if you’re bringing your elbows back too (as you raise) you shouldn’t be able to bring your arms any higher. A great way to ensure you’re getting the best shoulder activation is to imagine your elbows have weight pressed against them and into you, keeping them against your body. Raise them up with that mentality, so drive up through your elbows— NOT the hands.
Similar to the front/lat raises and the overhead flys— slight elbow bend and keep that same bend. This is another one you want to watch in the mirror so you can keep an eye on your form. What you want to look for here in the mirror is that as you raise up (and back) your hands are NOT higher than your elbows so rotate those elbows UP and back. Also, hard to tell but I am slightly bent over during this movement. Abs drawn in and weight on your heels!
Arms up, hands facing forward, keep your arms close to your head, lower the weight down behind your head, to the opposite shoulder, alternate arms, then with both arms lower the weight down in front of you, twisting as you do so, so that the weight and your hands are now facing in towards you, then press and twist back up!
You didn't see the stand-alone Arnold Presses because my phone ran out of storage and stopped recording, BUT when I was done with the tricep/press combo I did 15 more presses to finish off the circuit.
All of these I did 15 reps and I did them with 10lb DBs, I did 5 rounds with a 2ish minute rest in between. All in all it took me 33 minutes and 12 seconds. Lower the weight and/or reps if you’re a beginner or feel free to increase the weight and/or reps if you’re a badass!
Respond directly to this email if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!
Thanks again for reading!
And please never forget:
The most important day on any journey or endeavor towards a goal is NOT the day you start, nor is it the day you finish. It’s the day AFTER you drop the ball and mess up. Do you throw in the towel and quit just because you had one bad day?! NO! You better not, at least. You got this, let's go, baby!
Much love, mi gente!
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