Fit Food Friday #5

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Did you know…

  • 🤮One of the many reasons you feel so sh*tty after a night of drankin’ is due to the fact that alcohol is a diuretic which increases the amount of water your body expels through urine, leading to dehydration. You're hung over because you're severely dehydrated.

  • 😴Alcohol consumption, especially in excess, can disrupt your sleep cycle. Even though it might seem like it helps you fall asleep faster, it actually reduces the quality of your sleep by altering the production of hormones necessary for hydration and sleep regulation. Poor hydation messes with yo’ sleep!

  • 🥵Alcohol can also have a negative impact on your skin's hydration. Regular and excessive boozing can lead to skin dehydration, affecting its appearance and elasticity over time. Not only do you feel like sh*t, you also now look like sh*t (don't shoot the messenger).

  • 💦Since alcohol increases urine production, it can flush out electrolytes essential for hydration and body function, such as potassium and sodium. Damn, when does it end?

Most of you know I’m not a big drinker anymore but no, this is not me suggesting you quit drinking nor am I judging you for drinking. I'm just trying to help you understand a few things to help you enjoy an ice cold adult beverage without the aftermath. Follow along…

Try the lemon lime flavor of these NUUN’s pictured above with a vodka and you have yourself a vodka lemonade slammed with electrolytes!

Dehydration shmehydration! Hangover shmangover!

Feeling tired before you twist one off? Use the fresh lime WITH CAFFEINE flavor!

If you’re a weirdo and don’t like the flavor, try a scoop of ULTIMA instead!

You’ll want to play with the scoops and/or using a whole tablet to get the precise lemon flavor to your liking but generally speaking the wife and I have heard, not that we’ve done any of this, we’ve only heard about all of this, but what you wanna do is poor your vodka, then separately make your electrolyte drink. THEN, pour a little bit into your vodka until it tastes great to you!

And if you remember from my second FIT FOOD FRIDAY, titled “❤️GO WITH YOUR GUT❤️” I also mentioned my favorite Kombucha makes a Coke flavored booch that goes great with whiskey creating a delicious, good for the gut, whiskey coke!


To help even more with preventing a hangover, drink yo drank [or two(3 at the very most)] then have a glass of water in between. Have that down as a system, dranky drank, water, dranky drank, water, and keep that going. THEN, at the end of the night, when you're home, right before bed, retake all your vitamins with a huge glass of water.

Respond directly to this email if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!

Thanks again for reading!

And please never forget:

When “I” is replaced with “WE”, illness becomes wellness! Don’t let that one go over your head!

Much love, mi gente!


I barely drink nowadays, almost never. And early on when I stopped drinking regularly, well over 10 years ago, I would get these wicked hangovers that lasted 2-3 days even if I only had 2-3 drinks. I couldn’t stand it, hated it. I’m assuming because my body was no longer used to it since it was so far and few in between drinks. I say all of that to say this, these practices are tried and true so give ‘em a whirl!

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