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M o n d a y M o r n i n g M o t i v a t i o n W i t h M i k e #47
Whatever you pay attention to, expands…
Where your attention goes, energy flows…
Your frequency is what you ‘frequently see’…
Understanding human frequency requires an integration of science and spirituality, acknowledging that while we may not fully understand the mechanics, there's value in practices that aim to enhance our vibrational state for better health, well-being, and harmony with the world.
Before I lose some of you, how about we let two of the smartest human beings to ever walk the face of this earth chime in on this:
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality."
- Albert Einstein
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
- NIkola Tesla
Circling back to my 3rd line above, “your frequency is what you frequently see”.
Lets begin there, I’m not just referring to what you physically see with your eyes. I’m also referring to all things you feel, everything you engage with, interact with; whatever you accept into your space, into your reality, becomes part of what you see and how your operate, or vibrate.
And whatever frequency you’re vibrating at, is precisely what you’ll get in return.
What you think, you become. Like attracts like.

Now, how do we vibrate at a higher frequency?
🧘🏽♂️1. Mindful Meditation and Visualization
Practice daily meditation: Spending time in silence, focusing on your breath, calming the mind will all help elevate your spirit. Visualization techniques, where you imagine your goals and desires as already fulfilled, can also raise your vibration by aligning your energy with what you wish to attract. Let me repeat that last part: It will align your energy with what you wish to attract.
💗2. Gratitude and Positive Affirmations
Keep a gratitude journal: Write down things you are thankful for each and every day. This is something I do to open my day in my morning routine and I do it again to close down my day in my evening routine. Gratitude shifts your focus to abundance, increasing your vibrational frequency.
Use positive affirmations: Start your day by affirming your worth, capabilities, and blessings. Positive affirmations have been proven to reprogram your subconscious mind and elevate your frequency.
💪🏽3. Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Nutritious diet: Consume foods that are high in ‘‘life force energy’’, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods are straight from the ground, are easier for the body to digest, and are believed to have a higher vibrational frequency.
Regular exercise: Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins and helps clear stagnant energy within the body, giving you better clarity and raising your overall frequency.
Adequate rest: Ensure you get enough sleep and rest to rejuvenate your body and mind. A well-rested being vibrates at a higher frequency. Remember this newsletter from a few months back, titled, ‘‘A GOOD LAUGH AND A LONG SLEEP”, where we talked about the importance of sleep?!
🥰4. Emotional Regulation and Forgiveness
Practice forgiveness: Holding onto anger or resentment ties you to lower vibrational energies. Forgiveness frees you from these chains, allowing your frequency to rise.
Manage stress: Learn to recognize stressors and adopt coping mechanisms like deep breathing, yoga, or spending time in nature to maintain a higher vibrational state. OR, stay proactive and maintain a strong morning routine that will kick your day off in the right frame of mind, providing you with the proper armor to combat any potential stresses that may arise that day.
📈5. Surround Yourself with Positivity
Seek positive relationships: Spend time with people who uplift you and share your desire to live at a higher frequency. Their energy can influence and raise yours. Went in on this just last week in my newsletter, titled, “YOUR WORDS AND YOUR CIRCLE MATTER”.
Consume uplifting content: Be mindful of the media and content you consume. Choosing inspirational and positive material will keep your mind/body/soul at peace and uplifted, maintaining a high vibration.
🌳6. Connection to Nature
Spend time outdoors: Nature inherently possesses a high vibrational frequency. Regularly connecting with nature can harmonize your energy and elevate your spirit. Cannot emphasize this one enough, though I feel this one is the most overlooked. Just. Get. Out. Side. And while you’re there be present, be mindful of the beauty and awe of it all.
📚7. Continuous Learning and Growth
Embrace new experiences and knowledge: I talk about this in damn near every newsletter. Keep an open mind and heart to learning new things. Growth and learning can stimulate your mind and soul, contributing to a higher vibration.
❤️8. Acts of Kindness and Service
Give without expecting anything in return: Acts of kindness and helping others can significantly elevate your vibration. The energy you gain and give from engaging in generosity and love is as about as powerful of a frequency enhancer you’ll ever find. Just. Be. Kind.
🎨9. Creative Expression
Engage in creative activities: Painting, writing, dancing, or any form of creative expression can help release blocked energy and raise your frequency. As an artist myself, this is one I can also personally attest to, in creativity lies a world of freedom most of us don't know exists. If you do nothing else today, please watch this 3 minute video of Ethan Hawke discussing the importance of creativity. Its easily one of my favorite videos about anything, that has ever been recorded and uploaded, so profound.
🙏10. Spiritual Practices
Find spiritual practices that resonate with you: Whether it's prayer, chanting, attending spiritual gatherings, or practicing mindfulness, engaging in spiritual practices that align with your beliefs can and will help maintain a high vibrational frequency.

And lastly, GUARD YOUR ENERGY! Guard it like your life depends on it, because it does!
Thanks again for reading!
And please never forget:
A happy person is not happy because everything is right in their life. He/she is happy because their attitude towards everything is right in their life!
Much love, mi gente!
How many people can you make smile today?!
As always,
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