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M o n d a y M o r n i n g M o t i v a t i o n W i t h M i k e #49
(yeah yeah, I know it's the afternoon)

In 2001 I was a Jr in high school and started the school year off as a 2nd string outside linebacker on JV, behind a sophomore. Something I was not thrilled about because I knew I should have been on varsity.

The week before Sept 11th was our opening week, we had our first game of the season and when I finally got in the game, it was over. I never looked back. My ‘‘man amongst boys’’ performance (coaches words, not mine), and a couple of injuries on varsity the following night had me go from back up JV to starting varsity in one week.

That next week, on Tuesday Sept 11th, I was in the varsity locker room before school, hanging with a few teammates, watching TV and we saw the second tower get hit LIVE.

At first, when it was just the one, we all thought it was an accident and how could a pilot make such a grave mistake but then when the 2nd plane hit, the mood shifted and we all knew something else was happening...

Later that day at football practice, I see my mom walking up to the fields with my baby bro, Ryan, in tote— who, today, is the tallest out of the four of us standing at a towering 6’6’’, but then he was only at my mom’s hip— and she had tears in her eyes.

My dad is from Upstate NY; Syracuse to be exact and at that time I had a few cousins and my Uncle Mike living in NYC. All my teammates and coaches knew that and so when I looked at my mom and stopped in the middle of a play, so to did the rest of practice, along with time itself.

At least that’s what it felt like as I walked over to her and my brother.

She showed up just to tell me that everyone was ok. She was just emotional because of the day itself, understandably so, it was heavy.

You know, it’s interesting how there are certain moments in certain memories that really stick out in your head, no matter if other parts may fade or become not as clear.

This next part was that for me. Shortly after my mom leaves we’re switching fields and as I’m jogging over, a few of the coaches approach me to check on me and make sure everyone was ok.

I’ll never forget the somber and genuine look of concern on Coach Czeszewski’s face as he asked me if all my family was ok. Mind you, this man was the D-Line coach and a bit of a hard ass. While you could tell he LOVED his D-Lineman and the bond he had with his players was palpable, he hadn’t said but two words to me before this OR after this.

For whatever reason, his look, his concern, his words and their sincerement really hit me and made me really realize, if I hadn’t yet, that what happened earlier that day was beyond significant, to say the least.

Back in 2011 I was inspired to start an annual event, titled Sept 11th Memorial Mt Climb where we climb the 99 steps to the top of Austin’s highest peak, Mount Bonnell, 44x which is the rough equivalent to BOTH Twin Towers.

Every few years I select a 501c3 nonprofit to raise funds and awareness for. This year, we’ve chosen MVP (My Veteran Passion), founded by Doc Soto, good friend who served honorably with my brother, Eddie, in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You can click this post I shared on Instagram the other day which explains more of my own personal feelings behind why I started this event and why I continue to host it each and every year.

Whether you can make it or not— I HOPE YOU CAN— please consider donating here so MVP can continue to carry out their mission. Remember, nonprofits can’t continue to function and operate without our donated dollars. And please believe every dollar counts, so whether you can donate $1 or $1k, you’re helping make a difference! CLICK HERE TO DONATE

Where were you on Sept 11th, 2001?

Now that I’ve shared with you my story, please reply to this email and share with me, your story.

Thanks again for reading, really means a lot.

And please never forget:

The days and weeks and even months post 9/11 we really came together as a country. We stood together, strong, united, as one.
One of my favorite quotes is from Mr Rogers, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news,” Rogers said to his television neighbors, “my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping’.”

Can we please stop waiting for tragedy’s to be there for one another?!

Much love, mi gente!


Remember and honor the fallen by challenging the living— push yourself to be great— live a life worthy of their sacrifice!


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